OKC Painting Palooza/Berotu LLC.
NEW DATES - AUGUST 10-16, 2025
Terms and Conditions
To Register online you may use MasterCard, Visa, or Discover credit cards. (Sorry, no American Express). Payments will be made to OKC Painting Palooza/BerotuLLC. If registering by mail you may send a credit card number or a check. Please add your phone number to the check. Your check must clear the bank before your registration is confirmed. If registering by mail confirmation will take 7-10 days, if registering online, confirmation will come within the hour.
POLICY: Once your registration and classes have been selected and purchased, any and all changes must be made prior to July 8, 2025. No changes or cancellations after July 8, 2025. Please make sure you are signing up for the class you really want.
Refunds: Payment will be returned for cancelled classes by OKC Painting Palooza. NO-SHOWS are not entitled to any refunds. Class changes will be permitted prior to July 8, 2025. More classes may be purchased online or on-site in Class Sales, if available. You may post a class for sale in Class Sales area, only if class is full. Sale not guaranteed..
If for some reason you need to cancel your registration and classes, contact Darla Foreman darla@okcpaintingpalooza.com or by phone (405) 203-0991 between 7:30 am-4:30 pm CST Monday- Friday. $50.00 will be retained from your registration fee for processing your refund. If you need to cancel, after July 8, please have someone pick up your pieces from your class schedule. We do not have the staff available to retrieve your class surfaces and patterns. You must agree to these Terms and Conditions at time of checkout.
To receive a refund: cancellation must be made before July 8, 2025
After July 8, 2025, registration and class fees will not be refunded for cancellations
*** NO refunds after July 8, 2025 ***
Lunches can be ordered at the bottom of the daily page, after the class listing.